Mindfulness is a process of learning to be present, every moment at a time. When we present, we are truly able to experience life. With mindfulness, everything we do becomes a meditation; we become aware of every action, thought, emotion, and sensation. Self-awareness is a crucial component of our everyday functioning; we are able to use our mind and not to be used by it. Our emotional reactions are then regulated, which allows us to remain in a state of peace at any time we desire.
Today, mindfulness is used by many professionals in the field of psychology and mental health. There is substantial evidence that suggests that multiple benefits are observed when this strategy is employed. It was even found effective in cases of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
We run most of our lives on autopilot, we become the victims of circumstances that trigger emotional reactions in us and we respond to it the only way we know how, which is the way we always responded to the similar events. Most of the time, those ways simply don't work… When we become mindful of ourselves and our environment, and gently observe our lives, we are able to CHOSE how to respond to the things around. With that, we learn to master ourselves.