Breakthroughs are easy!

It’s fascinating to see how so many of us are getting ready to commit to the new changes this and every new year. Those changes must eventually bring us to a certain breakthrough, which will hopefully remain for a while. But everyone sees a breakthrough in a different way. And most people I talk to, consider it to be something so epic, that they hardly ever get one.
Breakthrough doesn’t necessarily mean getting rid of all previous traumas, or becoming the happiest or the most successful person in the world, or suddenly achieving philosophical orgasm about the purpose of one’s life or life in general..
Breakthrough may mean simple things that make a difference in our life; it means understanding what self-love is and beginning to practice it on a regular basis, learning the power of the word “No”, finding new passion that will make our soul sing, not having another cigarette or a drink, and so on.
Our life is a continuous process of achieving small goals and shifting old beliefs which all may be considered breakthroughs. This year, let’s work on the little things that will shift the overall energy of our life. Every little thing counts.
Especially, when it comes to our inner world; cleansing, healing, loving and understanding one’s self are the best practices to commit to in order to experience a long-lasting breakthrough!
And, I love you!