When we have a pity party or stop the drama vampires!!!..

Do we want to have people who feel for us in our suffering, or we want to have people who support us into a victory? Both options will not be possible at the same time…
When we suffer and experience pain, we need time to heal. And all of us require empathy, support and understanding when going through a serious struggle.
When the time is right, however, healing process will naturally occur, just the same as an open wound heals after a cut. If we continue to pick at it, touch it to check how the healing is coming along or not, it will never get better or it will take twice as long.
The same goes for our psyche; we may remain in a suffering mode pretending that nothing goes our way, and nothing ever will. But nothing in our life is still; it flows, moves, develops so are we. That’s natural. If we decide that we are victims, we will always be. And we will find and/attract those other dysfunctional individuals who will agree and even support us with our chosen concept of life.
We may chose otherwise, and begin the natural healing process. Then those unhelpful people who surround us will disappear, because they thrive on our victimhood and drama. So, the only question is, do we want to have those who will agree that “My life is the worst, has always been and it will never change”, or “I know that healing is taking place and everything will change very soon as it is a natural flow of life”?
Let’s change the way we think today, so that our future becomes brighter and our friendships become healthier. All of us are worthy to experience healing, blessed to be surrounded by light and love, strong to grow upon our suffering.
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And, I love you!