Human errors..

2020-05-11 20:47
It’s never about whether we make mistakes or not, we definitely did, we definitely do and definitely will do. All of us. At different stages of our life. That’s what makes our life alive. How boring is it to always be perfect? Thank God it’s, anyways, impossible. We have to experience the challenge and despair that our choices may bring to others and ourselves. We need to learn how our actions may cause harm to another; only that way we can learn how our actions may heal them as well.
What truly counts is whether we observe ourselves enough to acknowledge those errors, analyze them, admit to them, and do absolute best at taking responsibility for not repeating them again. As well as do absolute best at repairing the damage done, as it saves our soul by dissipating the illusion of the ego strength. What a great lesson we can find in staying humble, grateful and practicing respect and experiencing forgiveness in many and all ways?
When we “clean” our inner state of being from any negative emotions associated with anger, guilt, pessimism, sadness, envy, materialism, etc. we are able to connect to that unlimited energy, infinite quantum field that creates all of life. We are able to align with ITS nature as we can truly resonate with that Universe when we are spiritually aligned within ourselves. And that includes conscious and consistent cleansing and healing that only we can initiate for ourselves.
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And, I love you!