A Woman’s Guide to Learning How to Appreciate and Love the Entire You
2020-07-09 03:14
What does it mean to be a woman? Or rather, what does it take to be one? Today, many women are juggling multiple roles; mothers, wives, professionals, sisters, caregivers, parents, etc. And every role must be performed perfectly for society to acknowledge it. Criticism can be found everywhere. But we often forget that feminism is just coming back from the “dark ages”, where patriarchy persisted in suppressing the beautiful gifts, talents, and skills that women delivered from the beginning of time. There was intuition, unconditional love, care, support, wisdom and with all of that the supreme and peaceful power that catered worldwide serenity. Yes, women were shamans, the wise ones, who delivered the divine messages with their celestial capabilities and through their immaculate connection with the Universe. Long gone ancestors acknowledged those powers and were worshipping the wise women who unfolded sacred mysteries. And then the time changed. Women were bound to serve men in their endeavors and eventually lost not only their rights but their own voice; they believed that they were not “strong” enough to make anything greater than a dinner. Today, we are on the verge of a big shift, where women find their voice and have a choice in the service they provide; to men (family), people, planet, or God. And despite any judgement, a woman shall not dare to allow the smallest voices to evoke fears in her serene and powerful feminine presence. Remember Who You Are. If You are a Woman, You are The Wise One, The Strong One, The Caring One, The Intuitive One, The Divine One and simply THE ONE. You have the portal of Life within your Womb, the portal of Unconditional Love within your Heart and the portal to the Celestial Realms within your Mind so that you can bring the messages from the Universe down to Earth. To unlock those gifts, we must invoke the Goddess within; to liberate and embrace the Divine Feminine nature. And that understanding can only come from consistent and loving self-care and regular spiritual practice. So, what steps can we take? Taking the time to meditate. In order to access the powerful gifts we discussed, going within is absolutely essential. Meditation is a way to reconnect with our inner self and to find peace and calm in any situation. Through silence and stillness, we can discover who we really are. Only without any outside stimuli like people, news, cell phone, tv, etc., we are able to tune into what is really important. The same goes for our inner process; our mind most often resides in yesterday’s worries and tomorrow’s tasks, and that is not where the truth lies. The power is in the NOW. Only the consistent practice of mediation can help us center and experience this moment. There are so many types of meditations that exist. Trying different approaches will help you find what resonates with you. Dr. Joe Dispenza, for instance, provides a step-by-step guide to shift one’s life through deep meditative practice. Build healthy boundaries. It’s so essential to have bonds that are built upon nurture and care. Abusive people thrive on the energy of others, particularly on the feminine since it’s the strongest. If anything within the relationship doesn’t feel right, it’s time to go. Ask for help if you need it. Sometimes, our love and positive outlook at things may cause us to close our eyes on something that is bad, or even evil. However, positive relationships also require certain boundaries; it’s so important to take time for yourself, within your own space. Solitude opens your truth. Sometimes, we have to say “no” even to the closest and the most loved people in our life. You hold the wheel. Gratitude. Self-appreciation plays a big role when it comes to self-care. There is no perfect person, but every person has some amazing and unique gifts that they share with the world. We must focus on our own personal strengths and appreciate them deeply. Through constant comparison with others, we tend to overcriticize ourselves. All of us are unique, therefore, there should never be a need for competition. You are a pure spirit in a sacred vessel! You are so worthy of appreciation! Create a journal where you can write your insights from the mediations, dreams, etc. Every day, dedicate a portion of it to write down at least 5 qualities about yourself that you like. It will not take longer than 2 minutes a day, but consciously choosing to focus on the positive aspects of self, will shift your energy to the higher vibration! Connect with nature. Taking the time to walk outside, spending a quality evening with pets and kids, gardening, hiking, and so on, will help us feel more alive and in-sink with our own inner “nature”. The ability to recognize the beauty and divinity in other aspects of life brings us more appreciation towards ourselves. Physical activity. Our sacred vessel (the body) needs some movement. No matter what types of exercises you like, take 2-3 times a week to practice it. Even if the beginning is tough, the benefits will be seen after just a few weeks! Yoga, dance, gym, running, horseback riding, biking, swimming, walking, stretching – choose what resonates with you. Not only such exercises help release all sorts of good chemicals within our brain like serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, but it will also bring us better health and a sexier body. Prayers and/or positive affirmations. Different in essence, both are very effective ways to bring positive changes. Regular prayers establish a “Wifi” with the Divine. We can pray for everyone and everything. The most important is to have pure intentions and dedicate some time aside for this practice. It is a sacred ritual that is described in every religion as a way to connect our hearts to God. Carolyn Myss provides excellent guidance within the practice of prayer. Affirmations are statements of something that we want to come true for us, but it hasn’t happened yet. Creating a list of desired qualities and repeating them often will allow us to familiarize our mind with the new concepts. That will bring the change faster than we expect. For instance, “I am calm”, “I am peaceful”, “I am centered”, “I sleep well”, “I meditate easily”, “I enter my Divine truth now” and so on. Louise Hay recommended completing affirmations while looking in the mirror; it may be a bit more difficult to speak positively to one’s self, but we can see our soul through our own eyes! And that’s powerful! Set small goals and achieve them. Nothing boosts our self-esteem better than seeing the results of our labors. Start small and grow from there. Take one activity that you want to master and begin the practice. Meditation? Going to the gym on a regular basis? Learning a new language? Cooking a new delicious meal? Make a plan and go for it. Get a cookie when you want to! Self-care can be difficult in the beginning. Especially, if you are not used to treat yourself right. So, take the time to acknowledge yourself for all of the hard work. Treat yourself with something special. It can be your favorite meal, jewelry, a piece of clothing, a weekend getaway, and so on. Ultimately, self-appreciation and genuine self-love come from understanding who we really are and from taking actions to live as if we already are that. We must always follow through with what we say, otherwise, our words will have no power. We can understand how divine we are, but without feeling it with our entire body, we will be unable to embrace this truth. And to feel it, we have to find ways to experience it. You are in charge NOW! Alisa Gracheva