It’s not my job to convince you…. 🙌

By writing this post, I am sure there is a lot of people who can relate to what I am about to say.
There are many difficult and even tragic situations in life. Everyone has something they can feel bad about. All of us.. Indeed, some have it worse than others.
Even though, many understand that shit happens and it’s now up to us how we are going to deal with it, we refuse to take away the victimhood. Despite the fact that such people get an idea that how they see their life and those horrific experiences may not be the best or the most healing way, they refuse to change their beliefs and look at other potential mindsets that they can adopt to get better. They will find multiple justification to NOT even search for it.
There are people who love suffering, even if it’s uncomfortable, painful, and, at times, simply annoying.. But they claim that in order for them to change their beliefs they need to first find a proof that IT will work… And it has to be scientific, logical and solid. And even when a proof is respectfully provided, they will still say “Well, it’s all relative”.
Of course, it is all relative… And it will always be this way.. When we meet those people who turned their life around from having similar to our hardships, it may be a hint to listen to how they were able to heal and may be get a couple of ideas from it.
But it’s NO ONE’S job to try to convince you or anyone else that it will get better, and the life will change… Or to provide you with scholarly sources to support these ideas.. No one has to promise or consistently remind that there is another way…
If your current belief system serves you well, keep on going! It’s 100% your life and it’s up to you how you want to spend it. Or waist it..
I’ve been illegal, sexually abused, dealt with dangerous stage of cancer, battled an addiction (actually a few), had no family around since I was 18, had PTSD, and I can go on and on.. And I know such incredible stories of others who overcame other difficulties and tragedies as well.
Want to get out of shit? Look around, look within. Start listening to someone or something else that may help you heal. Get other perspective. And stop asking for a proof, no one has to convince you. 
 ask for guidance and have appreciation for people sharing their stories

And, I love you!